Fake Career Growth
Dear Diary,
I do not like it when people beat around the bush when trying to ask me to do something. If you want my help ask me; don't try the passive-aggressive maneuvers.
My boss does this a lot. When a project comes up that is outside the "scope of my job" she sends e-mails with subjects like:
1) "It's time to shine."
2) "Another one of those opportunities."
3) "Oh, Matty you're so fine, You're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Matty!"
Okay, so I made up that last one, but you get the picture right? Here's the thing... [looks for a soap box]...
To Mattrix's Boss:
You and [...BEEP...] are paying me to sit at a desk for eight hours to do work. As far as I am concerned these "time to shine" e-mails are bogus. I do work, you pay me for that work and the cycle continues.
[Turns on Elton John's Circle of Life]
Let's not beat around the bush anymore. When you want me to do something, ask and I'll do it.
The mortgage industry is going to the crapper and I need a job. So chances are I'm not going to complain and say, "That's not in my job description." These fancy e-mail subjects are not necessary. Besides the last time I built up my "time to shine" savings account, the company went bankrupt and I lost all my deposits. "Time to Shine" accounts, it turns out, are not FDIC insured.
Mattrix out!
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