Dear Diary,
For your viewing pleasure, please look at the chart below.

What do you think that chart is for? [...BEEP's...] stock price? Perhaps. It is true that over one year ago our stock was worth $74.85 and today it's only worth about $3.88. I don't think it's our stock chart, though. I think it's more of an intelligence meter of this company.
I offer you two examples as to why this is our intelligence meter instead of our stock chart. Both of these examples occurred this morning.
1) This morning, we received an all-employee e-mail. Before I share the e-mail with you please note that I have not modified it in any way.
Power ties are red
Jeans are blue
Friday is casual day
From Executive Management to you!
That's so stupid. When I first started working here
Casual Friday's were non-existent. Now, though, because our stock is in the crapper you are letting us wear jeans? You disgust me. Don't get me wrong, I'll wear jeans, but I'm not going to be happy about it.
2) Redundancy. We just talked about this
the other day.Audix: You have a voicemail from [my boss] at
extension 4341.My Boss: Hi, Matt it's [boss' name] at
extension 4341. I have a question for you about our loan modification program. Can you give me a call? I'm at
extension 4341.
Oh, I better go Diary. I should call my boss back. Oh crap, I don't know what her extension is though. Sorry, I need to go find someone that knows my boss' extension.
See ya later.