I was laughing at first, but now I feel bad. Looking out of my window, I saw a landscaper doing a "funny dance." But then I realized he was being attacked by a swarm of bees.
Dear Diary, I.T. folks. They think they're so tricky. The I.T. department here at [...BEEP...] has cut my access to www.blogger.com. I guess I'm alright with that, but I think it's stupid. Why? Well, for one I'm writing to you using my GMail Internet e-mail account. Usually companies, when they filter Internet sites, cut off access to video sharing and e-mail sites right? Right. Not [...BEEP...]. We can access any Internet e-mail account that we want, but if I want to write a letter and then POST it to a blog instead of E-MAILING it, then sound the alarm. We should not let him do that. I also think it's stupid (and hypocritical) because do you know what happens when you visit an Internet site your not supposed to visit? Normally, you get a message of some sort saying this site has been filtered please contact the I.T. department if you need to see this site "for business purposes." Well, the genius Star Trekkies down in the basement managed to screw this up too. Instead of giving me some sort of message like that, they redirect me to www.disney.com. WHAT!?! I.T.: "I'm sorry sir, but we don't want you to write a short blog post because it's counter productive." Mattrix: "So instead you want me to go to Disney's website and surf they're site for hours and hours?" I.T.: "Well, no." Mattrix: "So then why do you send me there? Because you know there's videos and TV shows that I can watch there. I could also browse Disneyland." I.T.: "Uh..." Mattrix: "And let's not forget that Disney has an on-line game called 'Disney's Toontown Online.'" Mattrix: "Morons."
Dear Diary,

Tonight, the Mattrix Family, will be leaving for a week-long vacation. We're going to Mt. Hermon, which is about an hour's train ride through giant redwood trees to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA.
You're a big boy diary now, Diary. And I have decided to leave you here at work so you can spy observe what happens at [...BEEP...] while I'm gone. I want you to stay on my book shelf and blend in with my other books.
[Diary Mumbles Something]
What? Don't mumble... I don't care if you don't like them. You need to be nice to them while I'm gone. Remember what happened last time I went on vacation? You pushed my Excel programming book off the shelf because you thought I liked him better than you.
You know, I still haven't been able to smooth out his pages. He was lying on the floor for 6 days, like a sad and broken old lady with her malfunctioning LifeAlert device.
"I've fallen, and I can't get up!"
Poor little guy.
Any ways, I'll post some Twitter updates when I can, and I've found a cool service that will transcribe my voice to you for me. It doesn't always do a great job, but that's probably because I'm not speaking clearly. It's still cool though, and there'll be a link to the voice recording too if you want to listen instead of read.
Have a good week Diary.
Tags: vacation .
Dear Diary,
I think I might have discovered a great way to pump up my value. I turned in some reports yesterday, which were being put into a Board of Directors report package today, and, after double-checking my numbers, I realized that I mislabeled a heading.
This morning, I quickly sent an e-mail to all parties involved and noted the correction. Embarrassed that I made the mistake, I was dreading a little backlash.
Minutes later, the e-mails started pouring in. Instead of getting an "e-mail spanking" I got praises for a, quote, "Great catch!" My boss even said to me, "Good catch, that almost went to the Board."
That gave me the idea that I should make small, meaningless errors in my reports and then correct myself at the 11th hour in front of everybody. I figure it's either a brilliant idea or a disaster waiting to happen.
Currently I'm leaning towards: a disaster waiting to happen and I got lucky this time.
Tags: report, brilliant idea .
Dear Diary,
Question. When it's "elevator rush hour," do I have to be polite and do the whole "ladies first" bit?
This morning the elevators were running really slow. I was standing there for about 5 minutes (no joke), and then a group of people showed up and started jockeying for position. When the elevator finally arrived I jumped in without consideration towards gender because I thought for sure if I didn't I would be left waiting another 5 minutes.
I think in those situations I am justified for not letting the ladies go first. Would you agree?
Tags: elevator, rush hour .
Dear Diary,
File As: "Too Much Info"
Pipe cleaning process initiated. Mattrix is eating oatmeal, raisins and dried apricots for lunch.
Launch sequence in 5, 4, 3 . . .
Tags: intra entry .
Dear Diary,
On Friday, I wrote an Intra Entry that blasted "EMO(hio)" pretty hard. I've calmed down since then, and I would like to say that I am NOT sorry. I still think she's a tard. She proved to me that she is going to be "the cancer" of my department. Everything she says or talks about is slightly negative and it eats away at you slowly.
For example, the Board of Directors decided to have their meeting one week earlier this month, which means that we have two days to load data and run our reports. Normally, we get two weeks. During our department meeting, our boss went around the room and discussed what each person was working on for the board package. Everybody had something to turn in, except "EMO(hio)."
Any ways, a special project was also tasked to us and my boss said, "I don't care who works on it, just get it done." In our heads, we were all thinking "EMO(hio)" should do it because she has nothing due for the Board. Well, I'm sure she thought of that too because she said, "Well, since the data has not been loaded yet no one can work on the Board's reports. So, we're all free to work on this."
That's when I knew she was cancer. Why would you do that? I don't understand people that don't take responsibility for their job and work.
That reminds me Diary. Have you finished transcribing those notes I gave you? I need them. I told "CHESTer" he would have them by noon today. Well, then grow some arms and get going.
Tags: cancer, "EMO(hio)" .
Dear Diary,
"EMO(hio)" is being a retard today. She is a cancer and she makes me want to punch her in the face.
Listen lady! I know SQL at least 1,000% better than you. You don't know what you're talking about. Shut up, and let me be the analyst. You just sit there and keep that seat warm.
She argues about everything. "SERRENITY NOW!!!!"
Tags: intra entry .
Dear Diary,
My boss paid me a visit yesterday and somehow we got on the topic of what I listen to on my iPod. My first response to this type of question is: "I support iPod diversity. I have a lot of different types of songs." That way I don't get harassed about what's on "The Pod." She then asked, "Like what?" I rattled off lots of kid stuff, any Disney song you would want to hear, and then I slipped up. I revealed my iPod secret.
"I also like listening to Enya," I said. Immediately, my stomach cringed as I recall Haywood (an 11th Floor-ee) teasing me about rocking out to the "Orinoco Flow."
My stomach was not the only thing cringing. My boss gave me a funny look and then said, "Yeah, I don't care for 'that stuff' any more." I tried to shrug it off and said, "I support iPod diversity."
So there you have it Diary. My iPod secret has been revealed.
Hello. My name is Mattrix, and my iPod secret is I have 28 Enya songs.
Tags: iPod, Enya .
Dear Diary (to go),
Is this person really in the auto detailing business? It looks like they waxed their van with a rotary sander. I also like that the phone number was written with a soap pen. If that doesn't say "Trust me with your car," I don't know what would.

Tags: dd2go, auto detail .
Dear Diary,
As [...BEEP...], my previous employer, continues to go through its bankruptcy proceedings, some closets have been opened, which has exposed some skeletons. I learned something new recently and I'm bitter.
Dilbert, being the nice guy he is, has graciously offered to do a dramatic reinactment on my behalf.

Tags: dilbert .
Dear Diary,
"It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time."
--Tallulah Bankhead US movie actress (1903 - 1968)
I'm not a girl, but I am bad. Bad to the bone.
Tags: intra entry, quote .
Dear Diary,
Today marks the completion of our second full month at [...BEEP...]. How do you think it's been going so far? The first month was extremely slow and boring. All I did was explore the computer network and databases [...BEEP...] has. Month #2 was a bit more exciting. I was not supposed to take over "EMO(hio)'s" work until the third quarter, but I felt confident and decided to give it a shot for the second quarter. It went well and I did not blow anything up.
Month #3 should be fun too. I debuted a new reporting tool, the Loan Stratification Database. Building that thing from scratch was not fun, but now that it's up and running I can run reports faster than "EMO(hio)" can smoke a cigarette.
But none of that compares, Diary, to the time I have been able to spend with you. It seems like years ago I was cleaning out my desk out at [...BEEP...] and found you in the back of the drawer when, in fact, it has only been two months.
I'm glad I know you Diary. You're the most bestest dead tree that has been formed into a book ever. And I'm not just saying that, I really mean it.
Tags: diary, EMO(hio) .
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