What am I Doing?

Friday, June 8, 2007

It's okay.  Take your time.

Dear Diary,

It's okay.  Take as much time as you need.  I don't mind.  After all, it's partially my fault that you're not used to being outside the drawer.  What?  ...  no ...  I don't think so ....  When did you...?  Telephones work both ways you know?  Okay, you know what?  We need to stop this.  I'm all alone here and you're the only friend that I've got.  Can we reconcile and be friends again?  [SMOOCH]...yah, yah.  I love you too.

Okay, so you probably don't recognize where you are right?  Well, I am pleased to be the first to inform you that I started a new job on Friday, June 1st.  We no longer work at [...BEEP...].  The Company is in the process of being liquidated.  It's a very sad thing.  We tried for a month or two to save the Company, but to no avail.  So, unfortunately, it is time for us to move on.  You and I now work at [...BEEP...].

Why am I saying "be-e-e-e-e-ep?" Well, because I want it to be a secret.  Growing up, Mom & Dad said secrets aren't safe, but I think that since you and I are like total BFFs (Best Friends Forever) that I could just tell you offline.  That way only you and I would know.  Besides if you were ever stolen from me I don't want a bad man to know where you and I come from.  It's for our own protection.


Sure, we can be secret agents.  How 'bout you can be "Double-O Diary" and I'll be "Mattrix."  ........  well because in the movie "The Matrix" they can do that cool freeze in the air thing.  I want to be able to do that too.  Think about it.  How awesome would it be to go to the printer...jump in the air...freeze...the room spins around...and then land with a report in my hand?  This is totally gonna be awesome.  Good thing only you and I will know about this.  Some people might think that we're a little creepy.  Do you know how to sign language creepy?  Oh good.  Do that every time I write [CREEPY].

Moving on.  Man you and I get distracted easily.  Let's stay on track.  You're right though.  I guess we do have a lot to catch up on.  Wasn't my last entry in Q1 2004?  Flip your pages back and see if I'm right.  ......  Was I right?  Wow, so it's been over three years.  My bad.  Maybe it was my fault you've been in the drawer for so long.

Moving on, Part 2.  Today is Friday, June 8th.  I have officially had a full week of work and boy do I have some first impressions and experiences to share already.  I'm not going to share it all at once today because I figured if I waited until today to write I'd be able make an entry every day or two.  That way I have a nice little pipeline of things to share with you.

Things are going to be good for you and I here at [...BEEP...].  I can feel it.  And, to welcome you back from the underworld (a.k.a. the drawer) I have a surprise for you.  It won't be ready until next Friday, the 15th though.  So you're going to need to be patient.  So for now, you're going to have to wait until Monday for your next entry.  I just looked at the clock and I've been talking with you for like an hour.  I should probably be running some report or query.

See you later 00-Diary.  [WINK]

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