What am I Doing?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hell's Kitchen

Dear Diary,

As it seems that I will not be getting a paid-for-by-the-company bagel (cf. Casual Friday Crusade).  I have decided to bring in my own bagel.  So for the first time I needed to use the kitchen to prepare my paid-for-by-ME bagel.

No, I'm not bitter.  Why do you ask Diary?

Anyway, I walked into the little kitchen we have here and started looking around for a plate and a knife.  The kitchen is very well organized and clean so I had to open and close some cupboards and drawers to locate the plate and knife.  The unfortunate part of this story is that one of the Executive Admin's ("EA") desk faces directly into the kitchen; and I had a weird feeling I was being watched.

So, being Mattrix, I did a cool bending maneuver (in slow-motion of course) and looked out of the corner of my eye.  Yep.  I was being watched.

I opened one more cupboard and found an old birthday party plate so I took it to use for my bagel.  Apparently that was the last straw for “Miss Thang” the EA because the Sista gave me some attitude and proceeded to give me a five minute tour of the kitchen.

Listen honey.  I’m pretty sure it's okay if I use a birthday plate for my cheap bagel, but thanks for the tour.  And if I ever need a corrugated knife or a spatula I’ll be sure to remember to go to the miscellaneous drawer.

Honestly, I'm starting to really believe that […BEEP…] is an anti-bagel institution.  All I wanted to do was to cut my bagel in half, toast it and then eat it.  That’s it.  Needless to say I am very nervous to go back to that kitchen.  But I know that I am going to have to at some point though.

It feels like I'm a contestant on Hell's Kitchen.  Stay tuned.

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